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한국CDE학회 논문집

JCDE Volume 10, Issue 3 (June 2023)

글 : 한국CDE학회 사무국 / info@cde.or.kr



The applications of hybrid approach combining exact method and evolutionary algorithm in combinatorial optimization 

Sangrok Lee, Taekang Woo, Sang Hun Lee

DOI: 10.1093/jcde/qwad029

Laser–tissue interaction simulation considering skin-specific data to predict photothermal damage lesions during laser irradiation

Hyo-Jin Kim, Seung-Hoon Um, Yong Guk Kang, Minwoo Shin, Hojeong Jeon, Beop-Min Kim, Deukhee Lee, Kyungho Yoon

DOI: 10.1093/jcde/qwad033

Block-partitioned Rayleigh–Ritz method for efficient eigenpair reanalysis of large-scale finite element models 
Yeon-Ho Jeong, Seung-Hwan Boo, Solomon C Yim

Continuous deformation of flat-foldable crease patterns via interpretation as set of twist-patterns 
Yohei Yamamoto, Jun Mitani

Enhancing three-dimensional convolutional neural network-based geometric feature recognition for adaptive additive manufacturing: a signed distance field data approach 
Arthur Hilbig, Lucas Vogt, Stefan Holtzhausen, Kristin Paetzold

Fully mechanical motion-scaling instrument for microsurgery assistance: design improvement for enhancing the dynamic performance 
Tae-Hoon Lee, Dongeun Choi, Chunwoo Kim

An finite element analysis surrogate model with boundary oriented graph embedding approach for rapid design
Xingyu Fu, Fengfeng Zhou, Dheeraj Peddireddy, Zhengyang Kang, Martin Byung-Guk Jun, Vaneet Aggarwal

Augmented virtual reality and 360 spatial visualization for supporting user-engaged design 
Jin-Kook Lee, Sanghoon Lee, Young-chae Kim, Sumin Kim, Seung-Wan Hong 
Reinforced quantum-behaved particle swarm-optimized neural network for cross-sectional distortion prediction of novel variable-diameter-die-formed metal bent tubes
Caicheng Wang, Zili Wang, Shuyou Zhang, Xiaojian Liu, Jianrong Tan

Appearance-based gaze estimation with feature fusion of multi-level information elements
Zhonghe Ren, Fengzhou Fang, Gaofeng Hou, Zihao Li, Rui Niu 

Hybrid neural network-based metaheuristics for prediction of financial markets: a case study on global gold market
Mobina Mousapour Mamoudan, Ali Ostadi, Nima Pourkhodabakhsh, Amir M Fathollahi-Fard, Faezeh Soleimani 

Virtual reality-based assembly-level design for additive manufacturing decision framework involving human aspects of design
Ulanbek Auyeskhan, Clint Alex Steed, Soohyung Park, Dong-Hyun Kim, Im Doo Jung, Namhun Kim 

Challenges and opportunities in green hydrogen supply chain through metaheuristic optimization 
Saman A Gorji 

An improved YOLOX approach for low-light and small object detection: PPE on tunnel construction sites 
Zijian Wang, Zixiang Cai, Yimin Wu

Ball tracking and trajectory prediction system for tennis robots 
Yoseph Yang, David Kim, Dongil Choi

Voyage optimization using dynamic programming with initial quadtree based route 
Gwang-Hyeok Choi, Wonhee Lee, Tae-wan Kim

Structural optimization of multistage centrifugal pump via computational fluid dynamics and machine learning method 
Jiantao Zhao, Ji Pei, Jianping Yuan, Wenjie Wang

An adaptive marine predator algorithm based optimization method for hood lightweight design 
Chenglin Zhang, Zhicheng He, Qiqi Li, Yong Chen, Shaowei Chen, Xin Nie

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